Pool with certified natural high mineralization water (80g/l dissolved mineral salts) – it is a Lithuanian dead sea! This unique enriched with minerals and healing properties water:
- positively affects the condition of cardiovascular, neural, bone, and muscle systems;
- reduces fatigue, tension, and apathy;
- improves the quality of sleep ;
- improves the quality of appetite;
- reduces muscle tone, dilates blood vessels;
- improves function of kidneys and blood flow in the deep muscle structures;
- facilitates oxygen penetration into tissues.
- At least 10 procedures are recommended in order to achieve the best effect of the mineral geothermal water.
- The cycle of mineral geothermal water procedures should be repeated every six months.
- When choosing this procedure, it is recommended to consult the health improvement specialist of the “Atostogu parkas”.
Duration: 20 min.
Procedures require registration in advance. Phone: +370 607 85888 or email: [email protected]
Reservations at Natura Termo SPA are only confirmed after prepayment for services. Procedures can be cancelled or rescheduled no later than 24 hours before the procedure. Less than 24 hours before the procedure, it cannot be cancelled or rescheduled. No refunds will be given for non-arrival.
More about the procedure “Seal of minerals”
Before offering the procedure of mineral geothermal water, the visitors were thoroughly examined. More than 100 people from various groups participated in it, about half of them had one or another illness, most often bone and muscle, digestion, endocrinological and dermal illnesses.
After 10–15 procedures of the mineral geothermal water and/or sapropel research subjects were happy that it improved their working capacity and quality of life. After procedures the condition of the majority of the research subjects with skin problems: dryness, itch, allergy, redness, acne, significantly improved. Majority of the research subjects noted that their skin became more moist and elastic. Skin cellulite was reduced for 5 women of 12. Reduction of body mass index (BMI) and the amount of fat in the body.
It was established that mineral geothermal water also beneficially affects the condition of the cardiovascular, neural, bone and muscle systems. When you submerge into this water, the muscle tone is reduced, blood vessels are dilated, kidney activity improves, blood flow in the deep muscle structures improves, and more oxygen enters the tissues. The fatigue and stress of the research subjects was reduced as well, and the quality of sleep and the appetite improved. It is believed that mineral geothermal water can be used for the treatment of various other illnesses, but for that additional testing must be performed.