Health care day program “Take Care of Your Joints”

Joint ache, pain or diseases are increasingly common in younger individuals and rarely resolve spontaneously. Get professional physician’s advice and effective treatments for joint pain and feel relief in just one day.


You will receive a therapeutic sapropel mud application for your joints. This type of mud is rich in B vitamins, micro and macro elements, essential amino acids and biostimulants. Bromine, iodine, phosphorus and magnesium have pain-relieving and relaxing properties on the nervous tissue and effectively restore the body’s efficiency after emotional and physical fatigue.

We combine therapeutic sapropel mud applications with a therapeutic procedure “Sea of Minerals” that will help to relax your body and enrich with minerals. This treatment is performed in the only highly mineralised (80 ml/l) therapeutic geothermal mineral water pool in Lithuania. Research has shown positive effects of this treatment on muscles, joints, nervous system and pain relief. This mineral enriched water is extracted from a 2154-meter-deep well and has unique therapeutic qualities.

At the end of the day, we will invite you to have an oxygen cocktail that strengthens your immune system and reduces fatigue. Its effect is equivalent to a few hours of walking in fresh air.

The program includes:

  • doctor’s consultation (consultation takes place live on weekdays, remotely on weekends);
  • therapeutic sapropel application on joints;
  • therapeutic mineral geothermal water procedure – “Sea of Minerals”;
  • oxygen cocktail;

Duration of the treatment: 100 minutes

Pre-registration before the treatment is necessary: +370 60785888 or [email protected]